michael james

Thank You Essential Workers!

Dear Community,

In these unprecedented times, the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum and U.S. National Arboretum are unfortunately closed to the public. We wish we could be sharing our blooming trees, luscious greenery and bonsai history with you all right now! 

Luckily, a handful of Museum employees are still hard at work – safely distanced and wearing masks – to ensure our trees are in healthy, thriving condition when we can welcome visitors again.  

Thank you so much to these five essential workers for your dedication to the preservation of our Museum’s trees! We wish for your safety and good health as you continue to take care of our fields, gardens and displays.


Jack Sustic, Felix Laughlin and Bobbie Alexander, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the National Bonsai Foundation

Scott Aker, Head of Horticulture and Education, USNA

Scott Aker, Head of Horticulture and Education, USNA

Michael James, Museum Curator

Michael James, Museum Curator

Andy Bello, Garden Technician, Museum

Andy Bello, Garden Technician, Museum

Patrick Lynch, Garden Technician, Asian Collections and Holly & Magnolia Collections

Patrick Lynch, Garden Technician, Asian Collections and Holly & Magnolia Collections

Brad Evans, Horticulturist, Introduction Garden

Brad Evans, Horticulturist, Introduction Garden