As featured in The Washington Post…
As he followed the blossoming cherry trees from south to north in Japan, landscape architect Ron Henderson recorded his experience in folding sketchbooks called orihon. His work celebrates the cherry blossom culture in Japan, highlighting his pilgrimages to visit famous old trees. He also focuses on the horticultural practices that extend the lives of cherry trees in Japan, illustrating pruning techniques, branch crutches, rope tenting, and root grafting. This exhibition of Henderson’s books inspires awe for the trees as well as appreciation for the unique manner in which one man documented his journey.
All events and exhibits take place at The National Bonsai & Penjing Museum’s Exhibit Gallery located in the U.S. National Arboretum.
A U.S. National Arboretum event.
Read more about Ron Henderson and his visit to The Museum in 2019 on our blog.