The National Bonsai Foundation is excited to offer the NBF Virtual Collection – Zoom backgrounds, phone wallpapers and Facebook cover photos featuring the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum and its trees – as a token of our gratitude.

By uploading these images for your next video conference, as a home screen or onto social media, we hope you feel like you’re “visiting” the Museum and sharing your love of bonsai with friends, family, and colleagues.  


Included in the NBF Virtual Collection


Zoom backgrounds

Scroll through this collection using the arrows on the right/left side. To download for use on your Zoom background, click the image you wish to download. You can download all of the images in this collection here.

Not sure how to change your Zoom background? This step-by-step guide and video from Zoom may help.


Phone Wallpapers

Scroll through this collection using the arrows on the right/left side. To download for use on your phone, click the image you wish to download. You can download all of the images in this collection here.


Facebook Cover Photos

Scroll through this collection using the arrows on the right/left side. To download for use on your Facebook page, click the image you wish to download. You can download all of the images in this collection here.


Download the FULL NBF Virtual Collection as a ZIP file:

Having trouble?

To progress through the album, make sure that your cursor is an arrow icon and is on top of the directional arrows on the right or left of the image.

To download, make sure your cursor is a finger icon on the center of the image before you click. Once you have clicked on the image to download, a new window will open. Ensure that you have enabled pop-up windows for the website. Once on the new window, look for the icon like the one below and click it. Follow prompts to download the image.

Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 3.36.23 PM.png