Bonsai People

In Memoriam: Warren Hill

Warren Hill at his one-man show at East Tennessee State University in the late 1990s. Trees (from left to right): American Hornbeam, Bald Cypress and Ginkgo Biloba, also known as Chi Chi Ginkgo

Warren Hill at his one-man show at East Tennessee State University in the late 1990s. Trees (from left to right): American Hornbeam, Bald Cypress and Ginkgo Biloba, also known as Chi Chi Ginkgo.

Warren Hill, a renowned figure in the art of bonsai, recently passed away at his home in Tennessee at the age of 85. His life story is one of passion for bonsai, dedication to his family, and a love for nature.

Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1938, Warren was industrious from a young age. At six, he would shine shoes for soldiers and sailors at the U.S. Navy Yard, and at 16, he painted Walt Disney’s apartment at Disneyland prior to the park’s opening. While Warren was painting, Mr. Disney walked in and surprised him. They started a conversation, and Mr. Disney thanked him for doing a good job.

Following high school, Warren served as a radar technician in the U.S. Air Force. After military service, he pursued a career as an electrical engineer with Westinghouse and later Edison International. Meanwhile, he developed a passion for photography, and throughout his life he would often capture landscapes with family and friends.

Warren served as the curator of the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum from 1996 to 2001. He had a deep interest in Japanese culture that developed from an early fascination with the natural world, which he inherited from his parents. His Finnish father and Swedish mother, who had a talent for gardening, instilled in him a love for flora and fauna. This background, along with his college studies in engineering and horticulture, laid the foundation for lifelong bonsai endeavors.

Left: Hill critiquing a black pine of Jack Fried, a former president of the Midwest Bonsai Society. Right: Hill helping a student at a bonsai workshop work on their Shimpaku Juniper. Hill traveled around the world to style trees at student workshops…

Left: Warren works on a black pine of Jack Fried, a former president of the Midwest Bonsai Society. Right: Warren helps a student at a bonsai workshop work on their Shimpaku Juniper. He traveled around the world to style trees at student workshops. 

A transformative moment happened in his twenties, when Warren walked into an exhibition hosted by the California Bonsai Society in 1960. Although bonsai was not part of his upbringing or education, the exhibition immediately captivated him. “I didn’t know what I was looking at, but I knew it was magnificent,” he said. “I had to learn more about these little trees.” This chance encounter marked the beginning of a lifelong journey that would intertwine his personal and professional paths with the art of bonsai.

His passion quickly evolved from an interest to a vocation. By 1974, he was teaching bonsai, offering lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. He immersed himself in the art and philosophy, studying with masters like Saburo Kato, John Naka, and Frank Nagata. Warren later returned to Moorpark College to study agriculture, and by 1974, he was teaching bonsai through lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. He found striking similarities between his Scandinavian heritage and Japanese culture, especially in their reverence for art and nature.

Left: One of Warren Hill’s Satsuki Azalea in Informal upright-bunjin, propagated by cuttingRight: One of his trident maples in the yose-ue style, propagated by seed

Left: One of Warren Hill’s Satsuki Azalea in Informal upright-bunjin, propagated by cutting.

Right: One of his trident maples in the yose-ue style, propagated by seed.

In 1996, Warren was appointed Curator for the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. “It was an honor to even be asked to be interviewed for the job,” Warren said. “It was a rich position, and I really enjoyed it.” His tenure was marked by fostering relationships with volunteers and nurturing the Museum’s bonsai collections.

Jack Sustic, another former Curator, served as Warren’s assistant. “He was always a teacher and a wealth of knowledge, and I still carry his teachings with me,” he said. “Those teachings helped improve my own bonsai artistry, for which I will always be grateful.”

Warren used his own drawings of different bonsai styles to show students an idea of what the style looks like. This is Chokkan, which has a formal upright trunk. The majestic appearance represents a large, tall tree standing in the mountains or on a vast low-land plain. Usually the tree's outline is in a pyramidal form.

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In his position as curator, Warren most appreciated the opportunity to meet and work with the Museum volunteers who help care for the masterpiece collections of bonsai.

“All those nice people loved the art as I did,” he said. “You meet so many talented people like them, and masters like Kato and Naka, who were all special and of exceptional quality. When you know the background of people like them and know how gifted they are, you’re kind of in awe when you’re around them.”

California State Convention – Hill is holding a workshop for students in Anaheim, California. They are working with olive trees. 

Warren at the California State Convention, holding a workshop for students in Anaheim, California. They are working with olive trees. 

Warren’s personal life also flourished during this time. In 1998, he met Sharon Jeffers Hackett at a Rotary Club meeting in Greeneville, Tennessee. They married in 2000, and after his retirement in 2001, they moved back to Tennessee and established Tree-Haven, a bonsai school that attracted students worldwide. Warren loved teaching, saying, “I like watching the students’ eyes light up when you tell them the answer to a question.”

In recognition of his contributions, the Golden State Bonsai Federation awarded Warren the Circle of Sensei Award in 2013. Throughout his life, he believed that a deep love and passion for nature were essential for success in bonsai. Beyond his teaching, Warren authored numerous articles on bonsai and horticulture, ensuring that his legacy would inspire future generations. He leaves behind a rich heritage of bonsai artistry and a community of students and admirers who continue to honor his work.

Warren is survived by his wife Sharon, daughters Dawn and Lisa, grandchildren, step-children, and other family members. His life and work remain a testament to the spirit and philosophy of bonsai, continuing to inspire students and practitioners of the art form.

More on Warren:

Obituary, June 10, 2024

NBF Museum Curators Blog, March 30, 2021

Photographing Bonsai with Stephen Voss: In the Fall

I laughed to myself as I began composing this first shot. I’ve been the museum for fifteen years, and seriously photographing here for nearly ten of those years. And here, in front of me, was an essentially unchanged scene that I’d never spent a moment looking at. It was too obvious, and I’ve long felt an innate resistance to making those photographs that felt “easy”. But as a photography teacher once told me, pay attention to what you’re paying attention to.

And today, those beautifully carved letters were being accented by the angular Fall light and the whole scene felt as enduring as the trees themselves. I kept the camera’s shutter open for 1/3 of a second to capture some of the blur of the foreground plant as it swayed in the cooling afternoon breeze. Its impermanence felt like a welcome balance to the stone.

In the Fall, we see those most dramatic of changes and are given the opportunity to watch as the Autumn colors spill across a tree’s canopy. Each species has its unique way of expressing its color as the leaves lose their chlorophyll. Year to year, that transition can vary based on the weather and precipitation.

I’m appreciative of the museum’s minimal design that showcase these trees in front of white, lightly textured walls, so that their texture, shape and essential nature resonate outward towards the viewer. Soon, some of these trees will be transferred to the Chinese Pavilion where they will be protected from the coldest nights of winter.

This cycle continues as it has for decades, even centuries for some trees. For now, we get to appreciate them at their most showy—resplendent in these slowing days of Autumn.

The Artist Behind This Year's World Bonsai Day T-Shirt Design: Aaron Stratten

Aaron working on his bonsai.

The artwork featured on this year’s commemorative World Bonsai Day t-shirt was designed by Aaron Stratten. Aaron is a bonsai lover, multi-medium artist, art educator, and self-proclaimed “gardenbody.” He currently serves as Potomac Bonsai Association’s President and has taught art at Faifax County Public Schools for over a quarter century. We were lucky to sit down with him to learn more about his inspiration for this year’s shirt, what he loves most about bonsai, and why he thinks you should join a bonsai club. Read all about Aaron below…And, order your t-shirt for this year’s World Bonsai Day (WBD) on May 13th.


1.) Tell us a bit about your art form, your process, and your history.

To understand me as an artist, you have to first understand that I am an art educator.

I have served Fairfax County Public Schools for nearly 25 years as a high school and middle school art teacher, and as the K-12 art educational specialist in the fine arts office. I have also taught at the preschool and college levels. Art teachers in public schools teach a full range of media and skills. This educator lens reinforces a  widely-varied personal art practice which includes drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, digital art, and of course, bonsai. I believe deeply in teaching and practicing a variety of ideation and planning processes as the foundation for creating artwork, and for solving any other sort of problem, so my process involves many drafts, sketches, and iterations.

For my personal education in art, I went to Indiana University where I earned a BS in art education and a BA in fine arts with a focus on painting. I later got a Masters from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) where I had a dual focus on painting and printmaking. The irony is not lost on me that I spent so many years training in two-dimensional media and now spend most of my creative energies in three dimensions, shaping living trees and pots to keep them in.

2.) Tell us about the design you created for WBD. What was your inspiration, your process, technique, etc.

Aaron’s design for the 2023 World Bonsai Day commemorative t-shirt.

The 2023 World Bonsai Day t-shirt design was intended from the start as a single color, graphic image that would capture the essence of bonsai and bonsai practice rather than the image of a particular bonsai tree. It is a combination of traditional ink drawing, cut paper, and digital manipulation. Progressively larger circles contain, first, a simplified ink drawing of a tree in a pot illustrating the most basic translation of the Japanese kanji, “bon” (a pot or tray) and “sai” (a tree or plant). The second ring shows ramified branches extending outward from the center of the design just as branches extend from the trunk of a tree, and the third ring represents the life-giving foliage of the tree represented with a simplified pattern of ink brush blots. The circles are not concentric, but are very intentionally arranged with asymmetry, an essential aspect of bonsai design, and imperfectly to give a nod to the wabi-sabi aesthetic which is deeply embedded in bonsai practice and is reinforced by the imperfection of the torn-edge of the outer shape. Order yours today!

3.) How did you get involved with bonsai? What do you love about the practice and the art form?

I have practiced bonsai for over 25 years. It combines my love of art and a love of nature gained from spending so much time outside in my rural Indiana upbringing. Bonsai also aligns nicely with some of my artmaking habits. As a painter, I have often struggled with knowing when to stop. I would continue refining and adjusting a painting forever if I didn’t have a deadline. This tendency toward continuous refinement and iteration lent itself well to working with a medium that continues to grow and change over time. It also inspired the title of my bonsai blog, Bonsai Iterate.

I practiced solo for way too long and didn’t join a bonsai club until 2016 when I found the Northern Virginia Bonsai Society. My learning accelerated and before I knew it, I was president of the club, a role I held from 2018 through 2022. The best advice I can give anyone who loves bonsai is – join a bonsai club! The connections to other practitioners is invaluable, and your learning will take off leading to better, healthier trees.

4.) Do you have a favorite tree at the Museum? If so, which and why?

American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) donated by Fred H. Mies in 2003, in training since 1979

There are so many amazing trees at the bonsai museum but I am regularly drawn back to the American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) in the North American Collection. My time in the woods in the Midwest and in Virginia has fostered a love of the big, native deciduous trees of our temperate forests. While these species, like the American Beech, may not offer naturally small leaves ideal for miniature trees, they still speak to me as representations of the environments I know so well. Visiting the Beech at the museum is also inspiration for continuing to work on a few beech in my own collection.

5.) How will you be celebrating World Bonsai Day?

I am currently the president of the Potomac Bonsai Association (PBA) so I just might be spending World Bonsai Day – the weekend immediately following the annual PBA Bonsai Festival – recovering from all that we put into running that event. I’m a bit of a homebody… or maybe a garden-body (Can we make that a thing, please?) so I can’t think of anything better than spending time with my bonsai and in my garden at my home in Woodbridge, Virginia. The roses and Siberian irises will be blooming, as they always do just in time for Mother’s Day, and all the trees will be lush and green. What could be better?

Purchase your commemorative
World Bonsai Day 2023 t-shirt today!

In Memoriam: Marybel Balendonck

The National Bonsai Foundation and greater bonsai community celebrates the life of brilliant bonsai artist Marybel Balendonck, who passed away at age 97 in California in February 2023. 

Balendonck was born and raised in Texas, working an assortment of odd jobs (even obtaining a pilot’s license!) before moving to California in the 1960s. Asian arts captivated her, and she began to teach herself bonsai through books, starting her formal training in 1965. She was one of John Naka’s principal students and dear friends but also studied under prominent artists like Melba Tucker and Harry Hirao.

Since her introduction to bonsai, her passion for the art only grew, and she became thoroughly involved in the bonsai community, once saying that "bonsai combines many of the best aspects of art and nature.”

Balendonck was one of the founding members of the NBF Board of Directors (serving until 2020) and an original member of Kofu Bonsai Kai, a Southern California-based bonsai club. She served in several bonsai club leadership positions, including the Santa Anita Bonsai Society, California Bonsai Society, Golden State Bonsai Federation and a founding member of California Aiseki Kai. She was also the first non-Japanese member of Nampu Kai Bonsai – John Naka’s exclusive bonsai club.

Naka (in overalls) and Nampu Kai members gather including Marybel (in yellow) around a tree during a 2003 meeting in California

“There was hardly any separation between John and Marybel, they were that close,” Former NBF President and Chair Emeritus Felix Laughlin said. “Her legacy will be the Museum’s John Y. Naka Pavilion and the iterations of it in future renovations. Marybel was the real deal and a great and tenacious fighter and promoter of NBF and the Museum.”

Left: John Naka and wife Alice Naka with Marybel

Right: Marybel (orange), John Naka, Nay Komai, Barbara Hall Marshall, Cheryl Manning and Alice Naka

Besides her support for the Naka Pavilion, which houses the North American collection, Balendonck was a key player in the fundraising efforts for several Museum structures and was known for her generous heart. The California Bonsai Society and other friends of Marybel helped to fund the Research Center of the Museum’s exhibits gallery, recognizing her contributions toward the Museum’s completion. 

“Legend has it that during a banquet at a bonsai convention in California she locked all the doors except one, where she put a table and chair in front of and no one could leave unless they gave to the North American Pavilion construction project,” former NBF Co-President Jack Sustic said. “Not sure if that's the exact truth, but knowing Marybel I wouldn't put it past her!”

Her trees were displayed in venues like the Huntington Library and Gardens, Los Angeles County Arboretum, the Japanese American Cultural Center Los Angeles and the Bowers Museum in Orange County, California. Her Chinese Elm, shown left and donated to the Museum in 1990, was once on display at the White House. She was awarded the 1994 Ben Oki Award by the American Bonsai Society.

Marybel also has several stones, including a dobutsu-seki, or animal-shaped stone, in collections all over the world. 

“I have so much respect and admiration for Marybel and consider myself fortunate to be able to call her friend,” Sustic said. “Never one to hide her opinions or waver in her views, one knew exactly where they stood in her eyes. We came to be close friends and her support of me, as a friend and as curator has meant the world to me and I'm eternally grateful for both.”  

Marybel, middle, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Naka Pavilion in November 1988.

Bonsai Apprentice Henry Basile's Thank You Letter

As the morning weather in Washington, D.C. gains the slightest hint of a chill, I look out on the serene courtyard of the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, where I’ve learned and experienced so much since my graduation from Kansas State University with a Horticulture degree just four months ago.

My understanding of plant physiology and general horticultural care – and of course bonsai maintenance, development, and refinement – has deeply expanded through the incredible opportunity to be this year’s Bonsai Apprentice (in honor of the Museum’s first curator, Robert Drechsler. The Apprenticeship provides me eight hours of daily practice at one of the highest levels of intensive horticulture. As anyone who practices bonsai, penjing, kusamono, shitakusa, or related arts will tell you: This hands-on experience is irreplaceable.

Along with the roles of artist and horticulturist, curatorial staff play the roles of educator and historian. While I’m out in the collection watering or weeding, visitors often ask questions from simple (“What are the tea bags on top of the soil?”) to complex (“What is the history of that tree?”), allowing me to deepen my insights each day. This accumulation of knowledge and proficiency, as well as daily interactions with patrons regarding the artistry and history of the trees, are among the most meaningful aspects of my Apprenticeship.

With your support, this program will continue to train people who increase the scope of bonsai within the United States. The National Bonsai Foundation’s ongoing investment in this Apprenticeship, promotion of various exhibits and artists, and dedication to introducing bonsai to a broader public are necessary steps to develop the next generation of bonsai artists and curators. 

Thank you to the National Bonsai Foundation for advancing bonsai artists, horticulturists, and curators through the Bonsai Apprenticeship. And special thanks to you and the many supporters who have made this incredibly formative experience possible for me, those before me, and those still to come.

Henry Basile

Bonsai Apprentice 2022

In Memoriam: Abe Shinzo, September 21, 1956–July 8, 2022

The National Bonsai Foundation extends its deepest condolences to the loved ones of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and to the people of Japan at this sad and difficult time.  Mr. Abe was the longest-serving prime minister of Japan and a very faithful friend to both the United States and democracy throughout the world.  The news of his assassination on July 8, 2022 is a truly tragic and shocking loss. 

Mr. Abe had a special connection to the U.S. National Arboretum’s National Bonsai & Penjing Museum and the NBF, starting from when the Museum opened in 1976.  The Museum opened with a gift of fifty-three trees from the people of Japan to honor the United States’ bicentennial and celebrate peace between the two nations. These trees, the “original gift,” occupy a special place in the Museum’s history, and many remain on display today. One tree, a dwarf Japanese maple, was donated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Shintaro Abe, Mr. Abe’s father. 

The Museum was also honored in 2019 to host Mrs. Akie Abe, Mr. Abe’s wife, during her visit to Washington, DC when she toured the Museum alongside the First Lady. It was a privilege then to share with her the tree that her father-in-law had donated, and the Museum continues to be proud to display it for the public at this time.

Former NBF Board Member presented distinguished Japanese award

All photos courtesy of Aaron Webb – Embassy of Japan in the USA

The Ambassador of Japan honored former National Bonsai Foundation (NBF) Board of Directors Member and author Ann McClellan at a ceremony earlier this month for her outstanding contributions of introducing Japanese culture and promoting friendly relations between Japan and the United States. 

Though she was officially awarded the Imperial Decoration “Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays” in 2021, the award presentation and ceremony was ultimately hosted on May 10, 2022, at the home of Koji Tomita, Japanese ambassador to the United States. 

“I am humbled beyond measure to have been recognized in this way,” Ann said. “It wasn't something I sought or expected.”

The presentation began with Ambassador Tomita’s speech, which welcomed the intimate crowd of Ann’s colleagues, friends and family and highlighted her contributions to furthering understanding of Japanese culture in the United States. The ambassador presented Ann with a certificate signed by the Japanese prime minister to accompany her medal, which had been pinned to her jacket for the ceremony. 

“The award came in a lovely lacquer box, which I keep in a special spot where I can see it daily,” she said. “Sometimes I reach out and touch it, just to affirm to myself that it's really here in my world.”

Ann also spoke at the ceremony, thanking the many supporters she has had throughout her career and about her introduction to Asian culture, which came when she unexpectedly taught a Japanese and Asian history course to high school students while finishing college. Since then, she’s traveled to Japan several times, worked on the Smithsonian Institution’s product development team for Japanese goods, written several books on Japanese cherry blossoms and spread the spirit of bonsai throughout the United States. 


Ann and her brother, Bill, speaking at the ceremony

“I was one hour ahead of the students in learning that semester, but it launched my abiding interest in Japan and all things Japanese,” Ann said in her speech. “I thank the cherry blossom and bonsai spirits for the honor and privilege of sharing their stories, and I thank the government of Japan for its recognition of my efforts to expand understanding of Japanese culture through these trees.” 

Ann’s eldest brother, Bill, gave a toast in her honor, which included an overview of Ann’s academic and professional background as well as family memories the siblings share. 

“To you and your written works and presentations on the Sakura Celebration, bonsai and Japanese culture – we toast your good works and wish you good luck in your next projects,” Bill said in his toast. 

Ann said she was in a state of astonishment about the experience and still lives in the reverie. For the foreseeable future, you will find her presentations on bonsai and cherry blossoms or working on her upcoming publications. Ann’s next book, to be published in 2023, highlights the cherry trees blossoming at the U.S. National Arboretum and around the world. You can find her book about the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, Bonsai and Penjing: Ambassadors of Peace & Beauty, on the NBF bookstore.

 Although Ann recently finished her term as a member of the NBF Board, we still wholeheartedly  feel her support as a long-time supporter and leader of the Foundation. NBF is grateful for her dedication to sharing the art of bonsai and looks forward to her continued success in spreading appreciation and understanding for Japanese culture.

Welcome Henry Basile, 2022 First Curator's Apprentice!

Courtesy of Henry Basile

The National Bonsai & Penjing Museum would not be the treasured public accessory it is today without the dedicated team that cares for its collections. The National Bonsai Foundation (NBF) is pleased to introduce this year’s First Curator’s Apprentice, Henry Basile – a knowledgeable and dedicated individual excited to join an already deep bench of bonsai experts. 

The First Curator’s Apprenticeship honors Robert (Bob) Drechsler, the Museum’s inaugural curator who served in the position for more than 20 years. NBF established the apprenticeship in 2011 to pay homage to Robert’s decades of service to the national collection and to educate and train a new generation of American bonsai artists.

A recent Kansas State graduate, Henry said his introduction to bonsai was a pretty garden-variety experience: popular culture and mass-producing garden centers were his only exposure to the trees for most of his young life. 

“I vaguely knew about the historical significance and the horticultural prowess required to maintain the trees and held a significant amount of respect for the care and attention that curators and collectors paid them,” he said. “But I saw them as no more than ancient trees, valued only for their age.”

But then gardening gave Henry an escape route from an unfruitful year as a biomedical engineering major, sparking his near-instant switch into the horticulture tract. Having found his calling among the plants, a bonsai curation internship at the Denver Botanic Gardens piqued his interest. There he met his mentor, prominent bonsai artist and author Larry Jackel, who taught him about each facet of the Denver collection. 

“Larry spoke about the designs from an artist’s perspective – using the principles and elements of design to hammer in the concepts,” Henry said. “It was then I realized I had found something special.”

That internship blossomed from an intriguing career move to a flourishing understanding of horticulture and artistic expression. He delved into the works of notable artists like Bjorn Bjorholm, Michael Hagedorn and Bill Valavanis, and he studied the styles and techniques described in John Naka’s texts. Though Henry was first drawn to bonsai from a scientific standpoint, his internship in Denver helped him root his work in purpose and pride. 

“It is seldom that a career path can offer development of one’s understanding of nature and history, artistic capabilities, as well as one’s mindfulness,” he said. 

Henry first learned about the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum through acclaimed writer and former NBF Board Member Ann McClellan’s “Bonsai and Penjing: Ambassadors of Peace and Beauty,” available for order at the NBF bookstore. He picked Larry’s brain about the national collection and staff members involved in maintaining its prestige and vitality. When the apprenticeship opened, he knew he had to throw his hat in the ring.  

During Henry’s first trip to the Museum as an apprentice – during his spring break week earlier this year – he helped staff move trees from their winter accommodations to the pavilion display benches and in the courtyards, repot multiple trees and develop new bonsai using U.S. National Arboretum cultivars. He delved deeper into the design principles and horticultural needs – like sunlight levels and visual movement –  considered when presenting bonsai and penjing. 

One of the most impactful tasks, Henry said, was repotting and styling a cryptomeria forest planting by Eisaku Sato, one of the 53 bonsai in the bicentennial gift from Japan to the United States, which marked the start of the Museum.

“Though I spent much of the time analyzing the process, it quickly acclimated me to the gravity of the work I will be participating in during my apprenticeship,” he said.

Henry is eager to interact with Museum visitors and capitalize on any opportunity to share the nuggets of wisdom he receives as an apprentice with fellow bonsai lovers and artists. He hopes that offering insight even just for small tasks, like wiring or pruning, will increase the accessibility of bonsai and penjing – and horticulture in general. 

“Having a mentor that makes you feel welcome and connects with you as an individual is a deeply important part of the learning process,” Henry said. “I certainly hope to put myself in a position to be that mentor for others.”

Already, he has recognized the gravity that accompanies the role of a Museum staff member, serving as a steward of the historic trees. Henry aims to develop a more thorough understanding of the maintenance a bonsai or penjing requires throughout the year, not just during the growing season, and familiarize himself with the species diversity found in the national collection.

“The bonsai and penjing housed in this Museum are masterpieces that will cease to exist if under improper care,” he said. “It is now partially my responsibility to provide nothing but the proper care so these beautiful trees and landscapes will continue to exist for generations to come.” 

Henry said he is honored to have been accepted into the apprenticeship and is grateful for the experience he will gain as an artist and horticulturist. 

“I sought out the National Bonsai Foundation’s First Curator’s Apprenticeship to learn and grow from the knowledge and experience of the talented curatorial team and draw from the artistic vision of the numerous artists who have contributed their masterpieces to the Museum,” he said. “I have quite a long way to go in my bonsai journey, and the apprenticeship is a paramount step in realizing it.”

​​NBF is pleased to provide complete financial support for this apprenticeship, thanks to the Foundation’s generous donors. Without your help, this one-of-a-kind apprenticeship that helps to usher in the next generation of horticulturists wouldn’t be possible. Make a tax-deductible gift today to support the future of bonsai artistry. 

The Beauty of Bonsai: How Artistic Potential Inspired a Lifetime of Bonsai Appreciation

Sketches courtesy of Mary Ellen Carsley

Bonsai has great artistic potential both as an art form itself, and as an inspiration to other artists. Artist and teacher Mary Ellen Carsley exemplifies this potential by developing a thoughtful connection between bonsai and her artistic practice. A life-long visitor of the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, she has frequented the Museum since its inception in 1976. She maintains this bond by engaging with bonsai to cultivate mindful artistic experiences both for herself and her students.

The National Bonsai Foundation spoke with Carsley about her connection to the Museum and how her appreciation for bonsai is exemplified through her career.

Carsley sets the example for individuals seeking to pursue their passions. A trained architect, she left her own practice to begin a career as an artist and teacher. Carsley illustrated eight books before taking on a job as a full-time educator. She now shares her appreciation of bonsai, penjing and Asian art with her students at Severn School, where she remains a practicing artist.

Carsley fully embraces the opportunity to use artistic expression to stimulate cross cultural experience and personal reflection. 

“In the Western world, we're going really fast all the time, and there are some aspects, particularly in Asian techniques, for drawing, painting and printmaking, as well as calligraphy, that slow people down and make them more introspective about themselves and their process,” she said.

She and other instructors at her school began bringing students to the Museum’s collections to paint images of the trees and write poetry on the bonsai of their choice. After conducting the program for six years, Carsley and her students were interrupted following the Museum’s closure during the pandemic. She has since returned to bringing more of her students to experience the natural artistic beauty inherent in the Museum's collections.

“I really love making that hand-eye-mind-heart connection through the art for the students to give them that quiet, safe place, and time to contemplate and be in nature,” Carsley said.

While the museum remained closed, Carsley felt the absence of the place she had connected to nature and sought respite in since childhood. She frequently checked on the Museum's reopening status in anticipation of her return, not only to enjoy the reflective atmosphere of the collections but also to continue her work illustrating the bonsai.

“I was so starved for bonsai during the pandemic, I actually started my own collection,” Carsley said. 

Beginning with a tree gifted by a student, Carsley and her husband, Perry Carsley, now maintain a small collection in their home. She began her bonsai practice in isolation, studying bonsai books and making the insightful connection between creating conventional two-dimensional art and cultivating bonsai.

Photo courtesy of Perry Carsley

“As an art teacher, we teach using the elements of art and the principles of design,” said Carsley. “As I was reading these books, they actually used almost the exact same elements and principles in bonsai as I do when I teach drawing and painting. The whole artistic mindset is there, but the actual material of the art is alive and that's really fascinating.”

Carsley’s upcoming project involves tracing the progression of trees at the Museum that inspire her through the changing seasons (keep an eye out for her future works to find out which bonsai will be featured). Her artistic depictions of bonsai reflect a deep appreciation for shape and form, as well as Asian culture, with a skill she refined throughout her lifetime.

“When I'm thinking about my trees, my attitude towards them considers not what I wanted them to be but how to encourage them to be their best selves,” said Carsley. “There is something to be said for how you approach bonsai and teaching because your investment doesn't come right back to you right away. You hope to help both the students and bonsai grow into their authentic selves.”

You can enjoy more of Mary Ellen Carsley’s portfolio of work on her website